The Ethics of Seeing

eBook - Photography and Twentieth-Century German History, Studies in German History

Erschienen am 09.01.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
44,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781785337291
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 306 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Throughout Germanys tumultuous twentieth century, photography was an indispensable form of documentation. Whether acting as artists, witnesses, or reformers, both professional and amateur photographers chronicled social worlds through successive periods of radical upheaval.The Ethics of Seeing brings together an international group of scholars to explore the complex relationship between the visual and the historic in German history. Emphasizing the transformation of the visual arena and the ways in which ordinary people made sense of world events, these revealing case studies illustrate photographys multilayered role as a new form of representation, a means to subjective experience, and a fresh mode of narrating the past.


Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann is Associate Professor for Late Modern Europe in the History Department of the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of several books on German and transnational history since the Enlightenment, most recently (as editor)Human Rights in the Twentieth-Century (2011) and (as co-editor),Seeking Peace in the Wake of War: Europe 1943-1947 (2015).


List of Illustrations

Introduction: Photography as an Ethics of Seeing
Jennifer Evans

Chapter 1. Thoughts on Photography and the Practice of History
Elizabeth Edwards

Chapter 2. Seeing the Savage and the Suspension of Time: Photography, War and Concentration Camps in South West Africa, 1904-1908
Claudia Siebrecht

Chapter 3. The Face of War in Weimar Visual Culture
Annelie Ramsbrock

Chapter 4. DocumentingHeimkehr: Photography, Displacement and Homecoming in the Nazi Resettlement of Ethnic Germans, 1939-1940
Elizabeth Harvey

Chapter 5. Visible Trophies of War: German Occupiers Photographic Perceptions of France, 1940-44
Julia Torrie

Chapter 6. Gazing at Ruins: German Defeat as Visual Experience
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann

Chapter 7. Edmund Kestings Polyphonic Portraits and the Abstract Face of the Socialist Self in East Germany
Sarah E. James

Chapter 8. Seeing Subjectivity: Erotic Photography and the Optics of Desire
Jennifer Evans

Chapter 9. Photographing Reurbanization in West Berlin, 1977-84
Anna Ross

Chapter 10. The Diversification of East Germanys Visual Culture
Candice M. Hamelin

Chapter 11. The Intimacy of Revolution: 1989 in Pictures
Paul Betts

Epilogue: Hope Flies, Death Dances: Moving Toward an Ethics of Seeing
Julia Adeney Thomas


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